At the moment I seem to be experiencing some difficulty with my blogs XML. In light of this I have reverted back to a simple layout with the same elements in it. I hope to get a new layout soon but in the meantime I will continue posting as usual.
I have settled on a look for the blog I hope you like it.
Look at the Signs
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on 4/27/10
Web Hosting,
Website Advice
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When you are looking to build a website for your business one of the first things you will need is a host. A good host may also provide you with your own domain name. I searched for a hosting company to see the different offers that they have. I came across Before heading on over to there site read this interesting conversation I had with a "live" agent.
I was just about to leave there webpage when a java box popped up with a 20% offer. The pop up stated that if I chose to stay on the page I could talk to a representative right away. Here is how the conversation went.
I thought this was somewhat humerus so I decided to share it with you. The point of this article to warn you against people who scam you. If there is any sign that someone is trying to take advantage of you it is best to steer clear of them. If you already are with this web host please know that I am not trying to hurt there reputation in any way. I simply want to warn you of the signs of a scam. If they lie once they may do it again.
Real-time HTML Editor
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on 4/25/10
Website Advice
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If you want to learn how to write html check out this Real-time HTML Editor. As soon as you type html code in the top box the result pops up in the bottom one. This is a good way for beginners to grasp what elements they change when they use html.
For more instruction on how to use html code just search html code on Google.
Learn Something New? Share it with your friends.
Learn Something New? Share it with your friends.
Oxygen-X :: Home of Y'z Dock
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on 4/23/10
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Facebook Integration.
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on 4/22/10
Website Advice
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Facebook is the second most popular site. Almost everyone I know has a Facebook account and it is most likely bookmarked in you browser right now. The question is if this site is so powerful then why not use it to promote your website? The answer is there is no reason not to. Facebook has made it so easy for you to set up a page so that people can "become fans" or as it is now called "like" your website and share it with there friends. This makes your website traffic grow at a considerable rate. Consider this when thinking about integrating with Facebook.
Facebook web stats by Wolfram Alpha
daily page views | ~~ 7.4 billion
daily visitors | ~~ 480 million
site rank | 2nd
domain online | March 29, 1997 (~~13 years ago)
(based on Alexa estimates, as of April 22, 2010)
I set up my own fan page for this blog. I hope to see a rise in viewers as more people find my blog through Facebook.
Ghost Wallpaper
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on 4/21/10
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This picture is amazing it was drawn by CreativeImages and posted on deviant art. The character, named Ghost, is from Modern Warfare 2. This is by far my favorite character in the game.
MW2 Wallpaper: Ghost by ~CreativeImages on deviantART
MW2 Wallpaper: Ghost by ~CreativeImages on deviantART
Dictionary Added to Cyber Leak
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on 4/20/10
Blog Updates
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I added a dictionary button to the site that will look up a word that you type in to the pop up box.
This button can be dragged into you favorites bar so that you can look up a word from anywhere you are. I found this link in my search for an add on that I could use to look up words I didn't know.
This picture should be added to the right bar on the blog. When you click it a box will pop up asking what word you want to look up. When you type the word it and continue it will look up this word on Have fun with this I use it almost every day.
Volcano Eruption in Iceland
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Volcano in Iceland
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There where a lot of flight delays after the eruption of the Iceland volcano. I was wondering why it would delay flights and what a volcano could do to a plane. When you think of a volcano often times you think of the initial eruption and the flow of lava down the hill side. That is not all a volcano eruption creates. It also creates a great billow of smoke that rises into the air carrying debris along with it. Inside this great cloud is very fine ash that is moving quickly. If a plain where to collide with this cloud it would sandblast the plain and cause some of its flight instruments to stop working correctly. It would be somewhat like flack that is used to shoot down enemy planes in a war.
I set out to find out about this because of a post on facebook. I was lead to believe that it would somehow effect the electronics on the plane. I was thinking more along the lines of power failure and loss of control of the plane due to no power. It turns out that the main problem would be hardware failure such as the engines of the plane. The plane would have a significant amount of weight added to it because of the ash and would become somewhat hard to control. So ,in conclusion, I am glad that there are airport advisers out there who can see these hazards before someone gets hurt.
I set out to find out about this because of a post on facebook. I was lead to believe that it would somehow effect the electronics on the plane. I was thinking more along the lines of power failure and loss of control of the plane due to no power. It turns out that the main problem would be hardware failure such as the engines of the plane. The plane would have a significant amount of weight added to it because of the ash and would become somewhat hard to control. So ,in conclusion, I am glad that there are airport advisers out there who can see these hazards before someone gets hurt.
New Name
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on 4/19/10
Blog Updates
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I have been trying to figure out a name for this blog for a little while now. Cyber Leak is what I came up with. Cyberspace is another word for the internet and since my blog is on and about the internet I figured Cyber Leak was a fitting name. The leak part I came up with by searching for the word information in a thesaurus. Now that you know the background of the name of my blog I want to know what you think of it. I changed the comments section to make it easier to comment. So let me know what you think. Happy reading.
How To Place a Bottom Bar on Your Site.
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Website Advice
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As you can see I have a bar at the bottom of the blog. This bar contains a lot of the components that you might find throughout a website. The advantage of this bar is that it can be seen anywhere on my blog. You can share a post at any given page with the click of a few buttons. Subscribing to my blog is made easier by the Rss button that is located beside share. I can also program a message to great each new visitor by text.Translating the entire page is made easy with the Translation button at the bottom left next to the search bar. Last but not least you can Minimize this whole bar if it is in your way by selecting the arrows at the bottom right of the bar. Just next to that is a link that takes you to the wibiya site. Have fun getting more veiwers to your blog and Good luck.
Free Flash Website
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on 4/18/10
Website Advice
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This website is a "free" flash website. You can make your own flash website for free but it has some adds on it. They ,of course, make some options only available to you after you pay them. The customer service is quick to answer any questions you have. This website builder is for the average person that wants to build a flash website at a fast pace. Building the website will require no coding abilities and the main options are easy to learn. I used it to build an example for you here.
ipad - Scrabble video
I thought it was about time that I got around to the ipad in one of my posts.
Now to all you Windows fan-boys out there just calm down. I don't have an Ipad personally and I don't plan on getting one any time soon. This video show one of my favorite features that I have seen on the Ipad, which is bluetooth. At the end of the video you will see two users with Ipod touches that are connected to the Ipad. One of the users flicks his letter on to the Ipad. This is a very cool feature and I'm hoping that Windows is taking some notes on this one. If any one decides they don't want there Ipad anymore just send it to me. I hope you like this video.
Now to all you Windows fan-boys out there just calm down. I don't have an Ipad personally and I don't plan on getting one any time soon. This video show one of my favorite features that I have seen on the Ipad, which is bluetooth. At the end of the video you will see two users with Ipod touches that are connected to the Ipad. One of the users flicks his letter on to the Ipad. This is a very cool feature and I'm hoping that Windows is taking some notes on this one. If any one decides they don't want there Ipad anymore just send it to me. I hope you like this video.
Pascal Campion - Animation
Pascal Campion is an amazing person that does some great animations. I set out to find his greatest one but in my opinion they are all top notch check them out on his website.
Some examples of his animations:
He also has a blog that is way more popular than this one. He uses his blog to post pictures that he draws. You should check that out too. Let me know what you think about either of these.
Pixel (video)
This Video is to amazing not to watch! So put it in full screen and sit back
and be amazed!
New Background Image.
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on 4/13/10
Blog Updates
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I made this new background image for fun and to bring a feel of the website into the background. I also discovered something. When I used Facebook to host the picture the first time it changed my picture dimensions. Thats ok Facebook was not meant for that so I tried it on Photobucket. Photobucket did the same thing so I tried Flicker and that didn't work. I finally landed on Imageshack and it worked. So if you want to host a picture for your site go with the last one I mentioned. By the way don't forget to vote for or against the new background.
Boom! (Wallpaper)
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One Button Ninja Game
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flash game
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This game only uses one button which is cool. You have to go through a series of challenges before you reach the top and beat the Boss. You could check this game out.
Lambo Background
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Off Topic
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I took this picture with I Nikon D70. My Dad is a Pro Photographer and he shoots with a Nikon D200 his pictures can be found here. He hasn't uploaded pictures of this years Car show yet but take a look at last years.
CS5! Came out today!
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on 4/12/10
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Creative suites five came out today! This amazing set of programs is used for all kinds of web related projects. Adobe Photoshop is the most famous of them. Personally I like Dreamweaver better which is a program for building websites. This group of programs is too expensive for me so I will have to wait and just stick to CS3 for now.
Free 3D Rendering Program!
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on 4/8/10
free programs,
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Blender is a free 3D program that lets you model and animate 3d videos. It can also be used to make games and intros for your Youtube videos. Here is an example of what Blender can do.
Tin Cans! (Cooliris)
This post is about a cool tin can creation website and Cooliris.
Cooliris is an add on for your web browser (ie, Firefox, Flock, Chrome) and it's also a slide show viewer. You can embed a slide show into your website or blog. I embedded a slide show of pictures so you can see there cool creations while trying out this slide show viewer.
I have the Cooliris add on for Flock and Google Chrome. It is an amazing way to view pictures and it's free!
CSS3 Code practice
Want to practice CSS code? I found a webpage that allows you to do just that in real time.
As soon as you change the code it changed the element on the page! Take a look at this.
A Background Called Leapord...
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on 4/3/10
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Quick tip for this blog.
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on 4/2/10
Blog Updates
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I switched the layout around using a code from a web developer.
So now instead of the comments being below they are on the top right.
Please comment on the topics you have an opinion about.
Thank you ~James
So now instead of the comments being below they are on the top right.
Please comment on the topics you have an opinion about.
Thank you ~James
Bulgarian Council Member Booted for Farmville
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on 4/1/10
Games in the News
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Bulgarian Council Member is Kicked off the council for playing Farmville during a budget meeting. Now as funny as this may be he seems to have an addiction to this game. A very serious addiction in fact because he was warned before about playing games during this meeting. To get the full scope of the story you have to understand that he is in control of people in a city in real life. I think he should have enough free time to get his priorities straight since he lost his job. He was not the only one that was warned about it though there where a few other members of the council that where using the meeting time to play on there farms. He was just the only one that didn't listen. I say good luck to him and I hope that he can still make enough money to support his family. Crazy world we live in... If you want more info take a look at AOL's post.