Server #1 the coolest server I found with the nicest community has to be by the Admin: ADW and his City Themed Server.
Server #2 is the one I found a huge picture of a Poke-ball made completely from blocks that took the Owner: NukaCola1000 a whole day to make! My most favorite creation of his is this:
Mario by NukaCola1000 on Minecraft Classic.
I'm not sure how long this took him but it is my favorite creation of his. As for the Poke-ball, it may still be there if you go to his server and check out the art section.
Server #3 is by a guy named "Facepalm." I did not actually talk to Facepalm but I did talk to a guy named Nanam98 and he showed me two sprites that took him four hours apiece to make. He made them without using speedhacks which allow you to fly. His first sprite is Mario as well and they are both awesome.

His second sprite is Megaman! which is as awesome as Mario.

Server #4 is the last server but certainly not the least by Wolf95 and he showed me some lockers for a huge stadium he made.
Lockers by Wolf95 on Minecraft Classic
After he Showed me this huge stadium he made.

If you have a server and want me to look at some of the stuff you have then let me know by posting a link to the server below!